11:45 AM


Hawaiian Paradise Park Neighborhood Watch


     Welcome to the official website of the Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners Association Neighborhood Watch. We are a crime prevention and awareness organization, and we meet at the HPP Activity Center Library at 9 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month.  As we develop this website, we will be adding pages to provide crime prevention tips, crime statistics for HPP, reports of recent incidents to alert citizens, calendars of events, and other items of interest. 
    Some of you complain that these lists are not complete, you know of other crimes, if they are unreported or still being processed, we get no reports or perhaps the paper work was messed up, either way, we can only report what information we are given.
    Below is a map of crime statistics in HPP since Neighborhood Watch.

Our working model at this time is moving toward localized Block Watches with Captains to provide crime prevention coverage on a neighborhood by neighborhood basis.  With over 130 miles of roads and over six thousand acres, we feel that HPP is simply too big to do it any other way.  Also, people are more familiar with their own immediate areas and should be more comfortable and motivated to work there.  If you or anyone you know wants to help start a Block Watch in HPP, contact us at hppneighborhoodwatch@aol.com and we will help you get started.  It does not require a lot of time or a large number of neighbors.

Click here for Home Safety and Security Tips http://www.ezwatch.com/home-security-and-safety-guide


One of Neighborhood Watch's fund raising (and fun) activity is the monthly HPP Swap Meet.  This is held the second Saturday of each month from 7 to 11 a.m. at the HPP Activity Center.  Plants, produce, art, crafts, books, and garage sale items are generally available.  Booth and concession proceeds go to support Neighborhood Watch.  Indoor tables are rented for $6 and outdoor spaces are $3.

Neighborhood watch is NOT a police organization, and we do not encourage members or the public to confront persons believed to be engaged in criminal activity.  If you see suspicious activity, move to a safe place and call 911 or Police emergency number 935-3311.